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While rock-hard Venetian plaster walls are generally stronger and more durable than other materials like drywall, with poor care and maintenance, they could chip or develop minor discoloration. Cracks in the wall are common over time due to the settling and shifting of a structure, particularly in older homes where the plaster walls were put in years ago.

When there are cracks in the wall, the aesthetic qualities are lost. The information highlighted here may help you avoid or otherwise repair them.

Potential Causes

Despite their sound and superior structural integrity, Venetian plaster walls may succumb and develop cracks.

Some of the scenarios that could result in cracked walls include:


This is one of the most prevalent causes of cracks. Putting too much stress on the plaster can damage the material and cause small cracks to develop. So make sure not to press heavy things against your walls to prevent cracking.


In rooms like the kitchen, temperature fluctuations caused by heat generated from cooking put your Venetian plasters at risk of cracking over time. Making sure you keep your room well-ventilated to eliminate additional heat and moisture is crucial in avoiding this.

Poor Application

If you decide to put up your Venetian plaster walls yourself with little to no experience, you put your investment at risk of premature cracking. To avoid issues associated with poor installation, make sure you get a professional to handle your installation.

Types of Venetian Plaster Wall Cracks

One of the most common types of damage is a hairline crack resulting from exerted stress. On average, this crack is typically an inch wide or less.

Another type found on Venetian plaster walls is spider cracks, which appear when the base coat is improperly applied or installed. In cases where an inexperienced individual made the installation, these cracks could appear due to poorly mixed plaster or if the material dries too fast.

Thirdly, you could see straight (vertical or horizontal) line cracks caused by lath. This type should not be taken lightly as it could indicate the presence of loose areas within the wall, which could be a serious issue.

How Can You Fix Your Venetian Plaster Wall?

Unlike simple cleaning and maintenance services, performing serious repairs needs to be handled by professionals. Knowledgeable technicians know what to do and won’t put your walls at greater risk of damage.


As elegant and everlasting as the material is designed, sometimes cracks can occur, causing your Venetian plaster to lose its luster.

Fortunately, you can prevent cracking by carefully avoiding certain practices that put your Venetian plaster walls at risk with a little housekeeping and mindful tips. When these cracks do appear, you must promptly address them in order to minimize repairs.

Decorfin offers a successful system for repairing plaster walls, as well as unfinished walls.  Our skilled team of proficient professionals are all master trained artisans who can swiftly and smoothly solve any issues with your walls so reach out for an appointment today!